What to eat to cure the baby's oral ulcer

Icebound sunset Ask questions at 12:56:45 on May 21, 2024
Recommended answer

Baby's oral ulcer can be properly treated with celery, balsam pear, mung bean, honeysuckle, etc. These foods have the function of eliminating fire and help to eliminate inflammation in the body. If the condition is serious, you can also use vitamin C tablets or Banlangen granules under the guidance of a doctor, and the effect will be better. It is suggested to give your baby more food rich in vitamin B and vitamin C in daily life, or supplement zinc gluconate appropriately, and drink more warm water at the same time, which will help heal oral ulcers. At ordinary times, you can take your baby to outdoor activities, ensure balanced nutrition in diet, and eat more nutritious food to help strengthen the body's resistance. Also pay attention to the baby's oral hygiene to prevent infection.

Icebound sunset 2024-05-27 10:42:10

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