What's wrong with postpartum heel pain

time brings great changes to the world Ask questions on 2024-05-06 21:56:24
Recommended answer

Postpartum heel pain is a deficiency syndrome, not caused by trauma, nor bone spur. This postpartum disease is mainly caused by kidney deficiency. Wearing high-heeled shoes after childbirth, often wearing slippers and sandals barefoot are important incentives. The kidney is the foundation of vitality, and the kidney is the master of reproduction and bone. According to the meridian circulation route, the heel belongs to the scope of the kidney circulation. After delivery, the kidney qi is weak, the Chong Ren is damaged, the hundred channels are empty, and the qi and blood are deficient. If you often barefoot to expose the heel, and often wear high heels with hard soles and high curvature, you can not rest the weak foot muscles after delivery, and it is easy to cause heel pain if your qi and blood are not warm and smooth. If it is not treated in time, it will fall into the root of the disease.

time brings great changes to the world 2024-05-13 11:06:06

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