What to do if the baby has a cold for two months

Icebound sunset Ask questions at 19:48:33, April 25, 2024
Recommended answer

If the two month old baby has a cold, we should pay attention to it. Babies usually have fever, runny nose, headache, crying, loss of appetite and other symptoms when they have a cold. If the symptoms are mild, they can not use medicine for the time being. Let the baby drink more water, keep warm, and observe for two days. If the baby has a serious cold, it is necessary to take the baby to the hospital as soon as possible to check and confirm that the specific condition is good, It can be treated with medicine under the guidance of the doctor. If the cough symptom is serious, it can be combined with atomization treatment, and the effect is good.

Icebound sunset 2024-04-28 11:15:41

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