What medicine to take for irritable bowel syndrome

The breeze is blowing Ask questions at 13:52:03, May 29, 2024
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Irritable bowel syndrome is often caused by abnormal functional changes in the patient's intestinal tract, which will lead to the patient's intestinal peristalsis function, hyperactivity or abnormal decline under the effect of mental stimulation, shock, or intake of some spicy and stimulating food, As a result, patients will have recurrent diarrhea, or intractable constipation and abdominal pain. When patients are given routine stool examination or enteroscopy, there is generally no organic damage. Patients can be treated with pivoramide. In addition, if the patient has stubborn constipation, catharsis drugs can be given to alleviate the patient's condition.

The breeze is blowing 2024-06-03 12:40:36

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