Girls will get hurt sooner or later if they can't resist temptation

Come here to have a chat Ask questions on 2024-06-22 16:45:33
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Recently, we always know in the news reports on TV or other channels that a girl in a certain place has been cheated and killed. This kind of news is emerging one after another. Why is that? Are there more and more villains now? In fact, everything has two sides. From the perspective of women's psychology, there is also a certain reason why such things happen because girls can't stand temptation.

Girls can't resist temptation, mainly because they are easily hurt emotionally. It doesn't matter. What they fear most is losing their lives, which is too unworthy. The girl couldn't stand the boy's sweet talk, and was coaxed into bed by the boy. Finally, the boy kicked her away. Some people even gave birth to this, and shed tears and blood, causing physical and mental pain. It doesn't matter. Dry the tears to stop the blood, at least grow up, and make another step from maturity. This is a good thing, so as not to be cheated again next time. Even if you don't have a long memory next time, you will still be cheated and bruised by others. It's all right, as long as you don't suffer heavy losses. For such a person with a short memory, you have to let her suffer two more losses. It's no harm.

The girl is cheated emotionally, which is a kind of life experience and a good thing. The fear is that those who have been cheated and lost their lives will have no chance to regret. All the people who are deceived are dazzled by the happiness haze created by the other party, and are led by the nose. Finally, they find that they are deceived, but it is too late. Women who can't resist temptation are terrible. Their horror lies in that they are not aware of the danger when they are around them. A little carelessness will lead to unexpected consequences, which they cannot bear.

Girls, youth is capital, but don't think that with capital you can do whatever you want. You should know how to enjoy and protect. You can be ignorant, but you can't be so stupid that you think you are right. You can have your own opinions but also listen to the advice of people around you, because those who can advise are good people. A man who is good and bad will suffer sooner or later.

Nowadays, raising girls is about getting rich. Originally, this saying was for good intentions, meaning that girls should eat well and dress well. But now parents have misunderstood this meaning. They always instill bad ideas in their daughters, which leads to bad psychological changes in girls. Pursuing luxury and enjoyment all the time, you can't stand the temptation naturally, and you will be hurt finally.

Come here to have a chat 2024-06-24 11:21:41

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