What medicine should children take for urticaria

Waiting for another day Ask questions on 2024-05-16 03:54:19
Recommended answer

It is recommended that children with urticaria should receive anti allergic treatment as soon as possible. Generally, children with urticaria should use cetirizine hydrochloride drops, loratadine syrup or desloratadine dry suspension. The specific dose should be calculated according to the instructions and the child's weight or according to the doctor's instructions. No matter whether the child has a rash on the same day or not, he needs to take medicine every day. After the rash is effectively controlled, he needs to continue taking medicine for 2 weeks before stopping taking medicine. In addition, we should carefully remember allergens in life, try to avoid allergens, and do not eat fish, shrimp, pepper and other stimulating foods.

Waiting for another day 2024-05-20 11:24:54

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