What is the color of menstrual chocolate

Happy my brother Ask questions at 15:24:27, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

The presence of chocolate during menstruation may be because the menstrual blood remains in the uterine cavity for a long time, so the color becomes chocolate color, most of which is related to the small amount of menstruation and inflammation of endometrium. If the amount of menstruation is normal and there is no feeling of abdominal pain, there is generally no need to recuperate; In addition, emotional depression and anxiety during menstruation can lead to changes in menstrual color; Cold can also cause menstrual color changes; Women who get sick during menstruation and use drugs will also affect the color of menstrual blood. Therefore, there is no particularly uncomfortable symptom during menstruation. You should eat a light diet and ensure that you eat more warm and healthy food.

Happy my brother 2024-04-28 11:12:24

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