What fruit can I eat in confinement? How should I eat in confinement

Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall Ask on 22:53:26, June 21, 2024
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This confinement is a very important process. During this period of time, if you can't maintain your body well, after the confinement, your body will suffer from many diseases. So, what fruit can we eat in confinement? What can't I eat in confinement? This article has a detailed introduction. Come and have a look!

What fruits can I eat in confinement

1. Kiwifruit

The so-called kiwi fruit is also called Mihou peach. It tastes sweet and cold, and is rich in vitamin C, which is extremely high. It also has the effects of thirst quenching, diuresis, antipyretic, and lactation. Therefore, if women eat it regularly during confinement, it can also strengthen their immune system.

It is beneficial for recovery after caesarean section. Because of its cold nature, scald it with hot water before eating. It is better to take one every day.

2. Durian

Sweet and hot in taste, it is rich in Southeast Asia and has the reputation of the king of fruits. Because of its hot nature, it can strengthen yang and help fire, and has a good effect on promoting body temperature and strengthening blood circulation. Postpartum deficiency cold, may as well take this as a tonic.

Lulian is a kind of hot fruit. It is not easy to digest if you eat too much, and it is easy to get angry. When eaten together with mangosteen, it can also calm the heat of Liulian. However, caesarean women are likely to cause small intestine stickiness, so caesarean women cannot eat.

3. Apple

The apple is sweet and cool in taste, warm in nature, and mainly composed of carbon hydrates. Rich in malic acid, tannic acid, vitamins, pectin and minerals, it can prevent and treat scurvy and leprosy, and make skin smooth and shiny.

Its viscose and fine fiber can absorb and eliminate bacteria and toxins, astringent intestines, invigorate stomach, promote fluid production, appetizer and relieve summer heat, especially for the treatment of puerperal diarrhea. Apple can also reduce blood sugar and cholesterol, which is conducive to the postpartum recovery of women suffering from pregnancy induced hypertension syndrome, diabetes and liver dysfunction.

In addition, apples contain a large amount of potassium salt, which can combine with the excess sodium salt in the body and be discharged from the body, so it is beneficial for people with low potassium and excessive salt intake to eat apples.

4. Papaya

Papaya is a kind of fruit with sweet taste and flat nature. Papaya has many effects. It can reduce blood pressure, detoxify, reduce swelling and expel insects, help women's milk secretion, make women's breasts fuller, and reduce fat and weight.

The nutritional components of papaya mainly include sugar, dietary fiber, protein, vitamin B, C, calcium, potassium, iron, etc., which are produced in southern China. Since ancient times, China has used papaya to promote lactation.

Papaya contains a kind of papain, which has the ability to highly decompose protein. Food such as fish and eggs can be decomposed into nutrients easily absorbed by the human body in a very short time, directly stimulating the secretion of the mother's mammary gland.

At the same time, papaya has a high nutritional content, so it is also called papaya as milk melon. If the postpartum milk of the puerpera is scarce or not enough, they can be stewed with papaya and fish.

What can't I eat in confinement

What can't I eat in confinement? First of all, you should stop eating raw and cold food. Secondly, some drinks or fried greasy food should not be eaten, so as not to affect the baby's absorption of these ingredients during breast-feeding, which may lead to stomach discomfort. If you want to taste some food that has not been eaten, you should also pay attention not to eat indiscriminately, and the baby's symptoms of stomach pain or diarrhea will increase accordingly.

1. Cold food

Because the cold easily affects the movement of the body's qi and blood, which is easy to cause physical pain.

2. Drinks and fried greasy food

Strong tea, coffee, and all spicy, hot, fried, greasy, sticky, hard and rough foods are not suitable for eating.

3. Uneaten food

Don't eat food that you have never eaten before, so as not to get used to it, you may have stomachache or diarrhea.

Waiting for the blue maple leaves to fall 2024-06-24 11:24:03

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