How many items are on the agenda for the team meeting ceremony?

Old Moon by the River Ask questions on June 6, 2024-11:35:48
Recommended answer

The team meeting ceremony generally includes the following agenda:

1. Opening: The team leader or instructor will announce the beginning of the team meeting and introduce today's agenda and theme.

2. Review of the last team meeting: review the theme and discussion content of the last team meeting, summarize the achievements and shortcomings, and provide reference for future work.

3. This agenda: introduce the agenda and theme of this team meeting, so that the team members can understand the issues to be discussed today.

4. Personal sharing: let the team members share their recent experience and insights in learning, life, work, etc., to enhance the communication and interaction among team members.

5. Group discussion: discuss around the theme of this agenda, so that everyone has the opportunity to express their views and suggestions, so as to reach consensus and improve the cohesion of the team.

6. Team building: carry out some team building activities, such as games, group discussions, etc., to enhance the cooperation and collaboration ability of team members.

7. Summary and reflection: summarize and reflect on the discussion and activities of this team meeting, evaluate the team's achievements and shortcomings, and provide reference for the work of the next team meeting.

8. End: The team leader or instructor announces the end of the team meeting and thanks all participants for their contributions.

Old Moon by the River 2024-06-11 11:39:00

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