Is compound clotrimazole cream a hormone drug

The farthest distance Ask questions at 12:42:11, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Compound clotrimazole cream is not a hormone drug. This product is a common antifungal ointment for external use. Its main components are clotrimazole and urea, which are not hormone components. Compound clotrimazole cream is mainly used clinically for antifungal. It can inhibit candida albicans and dermatophytes, and has good effects on tinea manus, tinea cruris, and tinea versicolor. It also has a certain effect on fungal infection, and is often used to smear fungal vaginitis and vulvitis. This product contains urea, and also has the effect of relieving itching, which can alleviate the itching symptoms of tinea mycosis. During the use of compound clotrimazole cream, a few patients may have allergic reactions such as rash and itching, which need to be used under the guidance of doctors. During the medication period, drink more water to supplement water. In terms of diet, pay attention to light food, avoid greasy, spicy and stimulating food, which will help improve the condition.

The farthest distance 2024-05-20 11:31:13

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