What are the symptoms of male folliculitis

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible Ask questions at 21:45:13, May 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Men's folliculitis is also caused by Staphylococcus aureus infection. Folliculitis is a suppurative inflammation of the hair follicle and its surroundings. Its clinical manifestation is red follicular papules. A few days later, a pustule appears in the center. After the pustule dries up or ruptures, it forms a scab. After the scab falls off, it heals, generally leaving no scars, and often accompanied by pain of varying degrees. If you do not pay attention to the cleanliness of the skin, Or other chronic diseases, such as diabetes, some itchy diseases, which lead to skin damage, are prone to secondary symptoms of folliculitis. Clinically, we should actively identify the causes of folliculitis, remove the causes and treat symptomatically. We can use anti-inflammatory drugs, such as Baiduobang cream, compound Huangbai paint, etc., and take anti-inflammatory drugs orally when necessary. If it is caused by other diseases, we should actively treat the primary disease.

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible 2024-05-20 11:31:10

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