How to deal with laryngitis in children

Talking about the past Ask questions on April 18, 2024 at 05:08:56
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Compared with adult laryngitis, children's laryngitis will develop rapidly and cause serious consequences. Because the submucosal tissue of the throat of a child is relatively loose, it is easy to cause throat edema during acute inflammation. Laryngeal edema will lead to obstruction of the upper airway, which will lead to breathing difficulties, asphyxia and other risks. It may even be possible to do tracheotomy, and even more serious may be life threatening. If the parents find that the child has fever, sore throat, hoarse voice, and the drug effect is not good, they must go to the hospital in time to let the doctor diagnose whether there is acute laryngitis. If there is acute laryngitis, antibiotics should be given intravenously, plus hormone and aerosol inhalation. If conditions permit, it is better to stay in hospital for observation to avoid the risk of airway obstruction and dyspnea.

Talking about the past 2024-04-22 11:54:21

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