How to lose weight due to edema and obesity

Missing is a disease Ask questions at 12:17:28 on May 11, 2024
Recommended answer

If patients with edema and puffy constitution want to lose weight, first of all, they should clarify the causes of edema and obesity. When the body is in a cold and humid environment for a long time, it will promote phlegm and dampness in the body. If malnutrition, irregular work and rest, improper diet, etc., may cause edema and puffy. If it is the phlegm dampness constitution caused by physiological factors, obesity can be eliminated generally through diet conditioning and aerobic exercise. \N The pathological edema and obesity need to be treated for the primary disease in order to achieve the goal of weight loss. There are many reasons for edema, weakness and obesity, such as kidney function damage, allergic reaction, liver function damage, heart disease, etc., which may lead to edema, weakness and obesity in patients. Relevant examinations need to be improved to make clear the diagnosis and actively treat the primary disease.

Missing is a disease 2024-05-13 11:22:31

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