What animals don't hibernate in winter

Orange scent Ask questions at 17:51:18 on June 7, 2024
Recommended answer

In nature, most animals will hibernate in winter to adapt to the cold environment. However, some animals do not hibernate, including:

1. Birds: Most birds will not hibernate, and they will choose to migrate to warm places for winter, or adapt to the cold environment to continue foraging and breeding.

2. Marine mammals: Marine mammals such as dolphins and whales do not hibernate. They will continue to move in the ocean, looking for food and breeding.

3. Cats: Cats such as lions and leopards will not hibernate, and they will continue to hunt and feed in cold environments.

4. Fish: Most fish will not hibernate. They will adapt to the environment of falling water temperature and continue to move and feed in the water.

In a word, different animals have different adaptation strategies to cope with the cold winter environment. Some animals choose to hibernate, while others choose to continue their activities in the cold environment.

Orange scent 2024-06-11 11:43:36

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