What's wrong with a newborn baby with a high blood count

The sunset looks like a dream Ask questions at 15:55:33, April 23, 2024
Recommended answer

The blood picture of newborn babies is high. The following reasons should be analyzed: First, the blood picture of normal newborn babies is relatively high, but generally speaking, the white blood cells will not exceed 16000. Generally speaking, the white blood cells will gradually decline after 4-5 days, that is, the blood picture will slowly decline, But the blood picture of children is generally higher than that of adults, but if the blood picture is very high, especially when the neutral or C-reactive protein, calcitonin, etc. are also rising at the same time, you must think of the possibility of bacterial infection. However, if there is a bacterial infection, it is necessary to analyze what the bacterial infection is causing, and what other symptoms it produces. At this time, it is necessary to give anti-inflammatory symptomatic treatment to make the baby better, and the blood picture drops to normal.

The sunset looks like a dream 2024-04-28 17:59:44

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