What medicine should leucorrhea take more?

Beaming with Joy Ask questions on May 22, 2024 11:33:25
Recommended answer

Leucorrhea can be divided into physiological and pathological. If it is physiological, for example, no treatment is needed before and after menstruation during ovulation. If there is a pathological increase in leucorrhea, it needs to be treated. It needs to check the leucorrhea routine. According to the results of the examination, vaginal medication needs to be used. The focus of medication is different according to the type of vaginitis, so the specific drugs to be used need to be checked first. For example, metronidazole effervescent tablets can be used for trichomonal vaginitis, Metronidazole can be taken orally for treatment. During this period, we should pay attention to the rest and not be tired. During the vaginal medication treatment, we should not have sexual life. Otherwise, it is easy to cause bleeding when we are in the same room, and it is also easy to aggravate inflammation. Trichomonas vaginitis or fungal vaginitis, both men and women will infect each other, so we need to check and treat at the same time.

Beaming with Joy 2024-05-27 10:42:53

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