What's the harm of high urine protein

All life is a dream Ask questions at 14:19:33, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

High urine protein indicates that the patient has kidney related diseases. It can cause edema, increased blood fat, thrombus, decreased immunity, protein malnutrition and other hazards. In serious cases, it can also cause renal function damage, even renal failure and uremia. The common causes of urinary protein clinically include glomerulonephritis, diabetic nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, etc. It is necessary to improve relevant examinations, evaluate the specific etiology of the patient's condition, and provide targeted treatment. For example, for the treatment of nephritis, drugs such as ACEI or ARB can be selected to reduce urinary protein. The goal of the treatment is to control the 24-hour urinary protein quantity of the patient within 0.5g. Regular follow-up review is required during the treatment.

All life is a dream 2024-06-03 12:25:51

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