Early reaction of cirrhosis

Happy people Ask questions on May 28, 2024-15:05:02
Recommended answer

The early reaction of cirrhosis is not very typical, and only a few patients will have some slight loss of appetite and fatigue. Some patients may have mild liver palm and spider nevus. In general, cirrhosis occurs, and there will be some typical clinical manifestations in the decompensation period. In the early stage, that is, the compensatory period, there are not many clinical manifestations, which are not very typical. Some patients may even have no specific manifestations. In the late stage of cirrhosis or decompensation, there will be some obvious symptoms of general fatigue, loss of appetite, and even some serious liver palms, spider nevus or bleeding tendency, anemia, and some patients will also have gastroesophageal varices, some abdominal wall varices and severe ascites, Some patients may even induce severe lower limb edema. The above methods are for reference only, and specific inspection and treatment measures should be consulted with a professional doctor in the hospital.

Happy people 2024-06-03 12:41:08

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