How does the baby hiccup during pregnancy return a responsibility?

Silent Bear Ask on June 22, 2024-19:35:21
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In order to ensure the normal growth and healthy development of the baby in our expectant mother's belly, the expectant mother should do a good job of prenatal examination in time during pregnancy. Sometimes there will be many strange phenomena in the prenatal examination, which will be very stressful for pregnant women, who are afraid of any unhealthy reflection of the baby. In fact, it is understandable that every baby is his own meat to his mother. Today, we will tell you what it is like for a baby to burp during pregnancy. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

During prenatal examination, doctors often see or hear that the abdominal wall of pregnant women has paroxysmal and regular beats. The frequency of this beating phenomenon is generally 15-30 times per minute, and the duration of each time is 3-15 minutes, ranging from 3-5 times per day.

People think that the fetus is suffering from hypoxia in the womb, or they suspect that the fetus has heart disease and feels the fetal heart beating. Many obstetricians are also difficult to explain, and sometimes even blindly give oxygen to pregnant women.

A large number of clinical studies have found that this phenomenon is actually fetal hiccups. The researchers observed through B-ultrasound that when the abdominal wall of the pregnant woman had paroxysmal beating, the lower chest and upper abdomen of the fetus also had paroxysmal twitching, and the diaphragm was also moving up and down, but the limbs of the fetus did not move with it. In fact, many fetuses will belch in the womb, but some pregnant women are difficult to distinguish it from the fetus, or they are unresponsive and do not feel it. Fetal burping is not an abnormality, but a physiological phenomenon, which does not need to cause tension, or even take wrong medical intervention. Understanding the phenomenon of fetal hiccups is of great significance for monitoring fetal health.

Today we talked about the truth of baby burping. The detection of the baby during prenatal examination is an important step to ensure the healthy growth of the baby. In fact, there is no absolute concept of belching during pregnancy, and we don't need to worry about it sometimes. As long as the prenatal examination is done regularly to ensure that the baby is healthy, there is no need to put too much pressure on yourself. Relax and wish you all a healthy baby.

Silent Bear 2024-06-24 11:26:50

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