Pregnant women in the workplace: answers to 9 major maternity insurance questions

The sea embraces all rivers Ask questions on 2024-06-21 18:16:36
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Pregnant women in the workplace: answers to 9 major maternity insurance questions

Question 1: Is there a special telephone number for consultation on the specific provisions and handling details of maternity insurance?

Answer: Yes. For specific consultation, you can call the social security telephone consultation center.

Question 2: Are employed women still required to pay social insurance premiums during childbirth?

Answer: Employed women should still pay social insurance premiums according to regulations during the period of receiving maternity allowance. The part paid by the employed women who have established labor relations with their units shall be withheld and remitted by their units. If the monthly maternity allowance received by working women, after deducting the social insurance premiums payable by individuals, is lower than the minimum monthly wage standard for enterprise employees in this city, it shall be supplemented by the maternity insurance fund.

If the maternity allowance is paid according to the minimum monthly wage standard of enterprise employees in this city, and if the minimum monthly wage standard of enterprise employees in this city is adjusted within the specified entitlement period, the new standard may be applied.

Question 3: After the introduction of the measures, will it affect the original "three period" holiday provisions for women?

Answer: Not affected. The original provisions on the holidays enjoyed by women are still in accordance with the relevant provisions.

Question 4: Are women with blue print hukou within the scope of enjoyment?

Answer: Not in the enjoyment range.

Question 5: How to understand wage income?

Answer: Wage income refers to the remuneration paid by the enterprise to workers in various forms according to the provisions of the state and this city and the labor contract, that is, the total wage income included in the total wage statistics, if female workers ask for maternity leave or normal attendance months before asking for maternity leave.

Question 6: Who can't enjoy maternity insurance?

A: The first one: women who have given birth and have never paid urban social insurance premiums;

The second kind: women who give birth in other places who work in their units or who do not live in cities and towns have not paid social insurance premiums and have established labor relations, not labor relations;

Third, rural women in the city who work in agriculture or in township enterprises;

Fourth, women working in foreign-invested enterprises and private enterprises who have participated in the city's rural social insurance but have not paid according to the urban social insurance.

Question 7: How to understand the provision of paragraph 3 of Article 15 of the Measures that "if the maternity allowance already enjoyed by women engaged in production or childbirth is less than the wage income they should enjoy, the insufficient part shall be paid in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state and the city"?

Answer: For example, if the monthly wage income of an employed woman in the previous year was 10000 yuan, 300% higher than the average monthly wage of the city, that is, more than 8676 yuan, the maximum social security contribution base is 8676 yuan according to the regulations, and the amount of maternity allowance is 8676 yuan per month; The period of maternity allowance that should be enjoyed according to regulations. The insufficient part of RMB 1324 per month shall be solved by the enterprise itself.

Question 8: After the promulgation of the Measures, what is the average treatment for women who give birth?

A: The first item is the maternity allowance. According to the calculation, the average medical treatment period for each person is about 4 months (three months, 90 days+30 days of late childbirth), so the per capita maternity allowance is 2892 times; 4=11568 yuan (based on the average monthly salary of 2892 yuan in the city); Item 2: The maternity medical allowance is 3000 yuan; In total, women who give birth can get up to 14568 yuan of maternity insurance on average, which does not include the hospital medical expenses for childbirth borne by the medical insurance.

Question 9: Do individuals need to pay insurance premiums? How to raise the maternity insurance fund?

Answer: The Maternity Insurance Measures clearly stipulates that individuals do not pay maternity insurance premiums. After the implementation of the Measures, the city's urban maternity insurance fund will be temporarily transferred from the urban endowment insurance and basic medical insurance fund, and individuals will not bear the payment obligation, nor will they increase the payment burden of units. Among them, the urban endowment insurance fund is transferred by 0.5% of the total wages paid by the whole city; The basic medical insurance fund is transferred at 0.3% of the total wages of the city's social insurance premiums. The provisions of the Measures that "employers shall pay urban maternity insurance premiums at a rate of 0.8% of the payment base every month" shall be implemented when the city adjusts the relevant social insurance premium rates.

The sea embraces all rivers 2024-06-24 11:26:10

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