How long can the pleural effusion of pulmonary tuberculosis be cured

Persimmon blossoms Ask questions at 16:58:09, April 17, 2024
Recommended answer

If tuberculosis occurs and leads to pleural effusion, the time of occurrence of such diseases cannot be determined. Only when we effectively treat and deal with pulmonary tuberculosis can the pleural effusion be completely eradicated. Therefore, we first need to determine whether the pleural effusion is caused by pulmonary tuberculosis, which can be determined by chest CT, PPD experiment, γ - interferon experiment, etc. If the above results suggest that TB infection is combined, we can consider that it is caused by pulmonary tuberculosis. Active anti tuberculosis treatment can effectively treat such diseases, and make pleural effusion effectively controlled, or even completely absorbed.

Persimmon blossoms 2024-04-22 11:54:50

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