What kind of medicine can I take for a sore throat

Man flower Ask questions at 18:50:02, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

What kind of medicine to take for sore throat should be treated according to different causes. The most common reason is acute and chronic pharyngitis, which can be divided into bacterial infection or viral infection. If it is caused by bacterial infection, patients can choose cephalosporins, penicillin, macrolides, or quinolones to treat inflammation. In serious cases, systemic antibiotics infusion is required to treat inflammation. If it is caused by virus infection, Chinese traditional medicine can be used, mainly for clearing heat and detoxification, such as Siji Antiviral Oral Liquid, Lanqin Oral Liquid, Chaiyin Oral Liquid, etc. If it is caused by a tumor in the throat, a tumor in the tonsil, or a neuralgia in the throat, a tuberculosis in the throat, and other diseases, further in-depth inspection should be carried out to clarify the extent and nature of the disease, and targeted treatment should be done. Drugs may not play a very good therapeutic role, and surgery may be necessary when necessary.

Man flower 2024-05-20 11:26:27

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