How tall are the trees on the roadside

Entertain immortals Ask questions on 2024-06-08 08:52:43
Recommended answer

The height of roadside trees varies from region to region, tree species and growth environment, so there is no fixed standard height. Some common roadside trees, such as sycamore, maple and elm, can grow to a height of 15 to 25 meters. However, some other species, such as pine and cypress, may only be 5 to 10 meters high.

In addition, the height of roadside trees is also affected by tree age and tree maintenance. Some old trees may be taller than young trees, while trees that have not been properly pruned and trimmed may become more cluttered, affecting their height.

In a word, the height of roadside trees is the result of multiple factors, and there is no fixed standard height.

Entertain immortals 2024-06-11 11:45:58

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