What are the effects and functions of white lentils

Literary man Ask questions at 19:44:43, May 16, 2024
Recommended answer

The main effect of white lentils is to fight against cancer, because white lentils contain substances that can make blood cells coagulate. Eating more white lentils can make cancer cells in the body coagulate, so that cancer cells lose their original vitality, thus achieving a certain goal of fighting cancer. Secondly, white lentils can also nourish the spleen and stomach. People with deficiency of the spleen and stomach can often eat white lentils to recuperate. Finally, because white lentils are rich in carotene and vitamin E, which can provide the human body with the required vitamin A and vitamin E, as well as some other rich trace elements, they can promote fertility, beauty and beauty. Moreover, white lentils are easy to digest and will not cause gastrointestinal discomfort.

Literary man 2024-05-20 11:31:17

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