The staple food of nourishing blood and producing milk: mothers with little milk must eat more

A hurried traveler Ask questions on 2024-06-23 00:14:13
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The staple food for enriching blood and producing milk

In addition to eating vegetables, you should also eat staple foods during the month. The following vegetarian staple foods can also help you replenish blood and qi, and eat together with nutritious soup, which is more nutritious.

Black glutinous rice

Black glutinous rice is the main ingredient, millet can be added as a supplement, the proportion is about 10:1, with red dates, longans and white lentils. The amount of water is more than that of ordinary dry rice, because millet is very absorbent.

Chestnut rice

After the chestnuts are soaked in water and swollen, they are steamed and boiled. Add mushrooms, red dates, a little ginger, and cook them with brown glutinous rice, millet, and rice wine water into rice or porridge.

Brown Glutinous Rice Peanut

Brown glutinous rice and peanuts are soaked in water overnight and cooked into porridge with red dates and water. They are very creamy.


Bake the bread slightly in the toaster, one piece is coated with blueberry jam, the other piece is coated with almond jam, a spoonful of spirulina is sprinkled on the bread coated with jam, and the two pieces are made by sticking together.

Note: It can also be eaten with peanut soybean millet milk

Fried Rice with Cauliflower

Carrots, broccoli, vegetable meat, other vegetables, rice and all materials can be mixed and fried with oil. Soy sauce, salt, tomato sauce, etc. can be used as seasoning.

Red bean dumplings

Red bean filling: Soak red beans in water overnight, stew them with a little water until soft, filter out the water, and drink it as red bean soup. Add brown sugar and a little sesame oil (oil can be omitted), mix them into mud, and then they become red bean filling. Refrigerate.

Brown glutinous rice, black glutinous rice and millet (the proportion is about 7:1:1), soak in water overnight, add half a teaspoon of sesame oil, and cook them as rice.

Why use so many peanuts? Because peanuts have more pantothenic acid, choline and various vitamins. Black rice nourishes blood and produces milk, while peanut promotes blood circulation and lactation. It is most suitable for those who have little milk after childbirth.

A hurried traveler 2024-06-24 11:22:57

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