What is the cause of pain under the left armpit

Chanting old love songs Ask on 2024-05-29 08:24:46
Recommended answer

Pain under the left armpit may be caused by inflammatory infection, which is usually secondary to lymphadenitis or sebaceous gland cyst. The main pathogenic bacteria are Staphylococcus aureus or hemolytic streptococcus, which need oral antibiotics for treatment. For example, cefradine, cefixime, ciprofloxacin, etc. After one week of treatment, the inflammation of lymph nodes can be eliminated. Sebaceous cyst is easy to form abscess after secondary bacterial infection. If it is suspected that an abscess is formed inside and there is a sense of fluctuation on the surface, the abscess should be cut under local anesthesia to drain pus and the wound dressing should be changed. Female patients have pain in the armpit, which may be caused by accessory breast. The accessory breast is outside and above the breast. When estrogen levels rise before menstruation, pain may also occur in the accessory milk. It needs to be treated with oral Chinese patent medicine, such as Xiaoyao Pill.

Chanting old love songs 2024-06-03 12:40:20

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