How can pregnant women solve hemorrhoids?

Love is thin on paper Ask questions at 11:31:40 on June 22, 2024
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For pregnant women, the most frightening thing is to get sick during pregnancy, because at this time, they cannot take medication at will, which will bring great pain to themselves and the fetus. However, due to a series of reasons such as reduced activities, the number of pregnant women suffering from hemorrhoids has been increasing. In order to reduce the pain, today I will introduce some food therapy programs to solve hemorrhoids.

1. Boiled goat blood with rice vinegar. 200g sheep blood, appropriate amount of vinegar and refined salt. Cut the blood into small pieces, add 1 bowl of vinegar and cook it, season it with refined salt, and eat the blood. Efficacy: Remove blood stasis and stop bleeding. It is suitable for internal hemorrhoid bleeding, bloody stool, etc.

2. Steamed eel. 250g monopterus albus, appropriate amount of vegetable oil and refined salt. Wash the eel intestines, cut them into sections, add vegetable oil and refined salt to taste, and steam them after water separation. Serve with meals and meals. Efficacy: It can repair deficiency and damage, dredge blood vessels, dispel wind and warm. It is suitable for hemorrhoids and hemorrhoids bleeding.

3. Stewed fish maw with sugar. 25g - 52g colored tripe, 50g white granulated sugar. Put the fish maw and white granulated sugar in the casserole, add some water and stew until done. Take it once a day, continuously. Efficacy Tonifying kidney and essence, stopping bleeding and detumescence. It is suitable for hemorrhoids.

4. Pork Blood Spinach in Ginger Sauce. 300g spinach, 25g ginger, 100g pig blood, 15ml soy sauce, 3ml sesame oil, 2g refined salt, a little vinegar, monosodium glutamate, and pepper oil. Rinse spinach with roots. Cut into sections about 5cm long, blanch in boiling water for 2 minutes, then take ten, drain off the water, put them on a plate and shake them. Clean the pig blood and slice it, then stir fry it in a hot oil pan, take it out and mix it with spinach after cooked. Peel ginger and mash it after washing. After the spinach and pig blood are cooled, add ginger juice and other spices. Efficacy: It can clear the intestines, relieve constipation, and detoxify alcohol. It is suitable for hemorrhoids and other diseases.

These kinds of food have a certain alleviating effect on hemorrhoids, and the effect of dietotherapy is very significant. The most important thing is that it will not have adverse effects on the fetus in the abdomen, and it can also properly supplement some nutrients. Therefore, I strongly recommend that pregnant women and patients use this method to treat their own diseases during the onset of disease.

Love is thin on paper 2024-06-24 11:27:57

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