What is the cause of dull pain in the liver

Not afraid of long term Ask on 22:12:07, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Hidden pain in the liver is commonly seen in liver injury, as well as other viscera injury in the chest and abdomen, which is mapped on the body surface. If the patient is accompanied by obvious jaundice, anorexia, anorexia and other liver injury characteristics during the process of liver dull pain, it is common in the clinical symptoms caused by liver injury. Abdominal color ultrasound, hepatitis series, liver function and other examinations are needed to help judge the cause and extent of liver injury. If the liver is dull and painful, it is not combined with other obvious liver injury characteristics. The pathological characteristics of heart, stomach, pancreas and other organs can be found in the physical examination. It is necessary to consider the pain symptoms in the liver region shown by other organ injuries.

Not afraid of long term 2024-04-22 11:55:26

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