Does garlic cure cold and runny nose

constant dripping wears away a stone Ask questions at 16:17:12, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

If the cold caused by wind chill shows clear runny nose, stuffy nose, or slight fever, you can take some garlic in moderation. Garlic has the effect of expelling cold and sweating, which can alleviate the symptoms of wind chill cold. However, if the patient's condition is particularly serious, symptomatic treatment should also be carried out through drugs to control the development of the disease. If it is the wind heat and cold that causes thick runny nose, you can't eat garlic. Eating garlic will aggravate the symptoms, because eating garlic will aggravate the burning phenomenon, causing swollen gums and sore throat, and even serious cases will cause coughing and expectoration. You need to drink more warm water, keep warm, and eat more fresh fruits, Vegetables and the like are conducive to the rapid recovery of colds.

constant dripping wears away a stone 2024-04-22 11:55:52

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