How to use metronidazole chlorhexidine lotion

Plantain in the Rain Ask questions at 12:07:29, April 19, 2024
Recommended answer

Metronidazole chlorhexidine lotion is used to wash the vagina directly. Generally, there are six bottles of this drug in each box, with 50ml in each bottle. When doing vaginal washing, take one bottle of 50ml, and use it twice a day. Seven to ten days is a course of treatment. It is mainly used for various vaginitis caused by bacteria, trichomonas, and mold. Some patients will cause allergic reactions, such as pregnant women during lactation, and women without sexual life history. It should be used under the guidance of doctors. When using this drug, you should avoid menstruation, and pay attention to personal hygiene to prevent repeated infection during medication. Sexual life is prohibited during medication. This medicine is given vaginally, and should not be taken orally. In addition, if there is burning, redness and swelling at the application site, the drug should be stopped immediately, and then the local drug should be washed clean, and the doctor should be consulted when necessary. The other thing is that you should never share the irrigator with others when using it. This is to prevent cross infection. One person should use one. If you are using other drugs, you must consult a doctor or pharmacist before using this drug.

Plantain in the Rain 2024-04-22 12:10:17

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