What are the drugs for treating sinusitis

Get busy getting old Ask questions on 2024-05-17 07:20:35
Recommended answer

First, we need to see whether it is acute sinusitis or chronic sinusitis. If the drugs used in the treatment of acute sinusitis are mainly antibiotics used in the early stage, cephalosporin anti-inflammatory drugs can generally be selected, combined with metronidazole infusion treatment, and then some vasoconstrictive drugs can be used in the nasal cavity, such as Dafenlin nasal spray, which can effectively open the mouth of the sinuses, Then use some drugs to promote secretion discharge. Generally, adults recommend Cherno capsules, while children can choose Olongma drops for oral use, which is also helpful for the recovery of disease. In addition, they also insist on using physiological saline or physiological seawater for nasal irrigation. If it is chronic sinusitis, it is mainly to use vasoconstrictor drugs and drugs to promote secretion discharge. Generally, antibiotics are not needed, conservative treatment is not effective, and surgery can also be selected later.

Get busy getting old 2024-05-20 11:24:57

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