What is the hard lump in the big labia

Fight for face Ask questions at 09:40:03, May 12, 2024
Recommended answer

There is a hard lump pressed into the labium majus. It may be that the vestibular gland is stimulated by inflammation and bacteria, which leads to the inability to drain the fluid from the gland in time. With time, it will form a cyst, also known as the vestibular gland cyst. If there is a hard lump pressed in the labia majora, you should go to the hospital in time for a detailed examination to judge. After it is diagnosed as a vestibular gland cyst, it can be treated by surgical excision under the guidance of a doctor. After the operation, you should also use anti-inflammatory liquid to wipe, which can eliminate the surface secretions and bacteria, and accelerate the healing of skin tissue.

Fight for face 2024-05-13 11:18:22

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