What food to eat for children with bronchitis pneumonia

Harsh gentleness Ask questions at 23:43:18, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Children suffering from bronchitis pneumonia can eat more soft, easy to swallow and digest foods during the onset, such as more millet porridge, white rice porridge, soft noodles, more fresh fruits and vegetables, and vitamin supplements, which are of great benefit to children with bronchitis pneumonia. At the same time, we should also drink more warm water. It is better to eat more kumquats, or more pears, or eat more loquats. These fruits can play the role of relieving cough, resolving phlegm, moistening the lungs, and can promote faster recovery of children with bronchitis and pneumonia. During the onset of the disease, we must pay more attention to keeping warm, ensure adequate sleep and rest, avoid overwork when playing, stay away from smoke, dust, and can also prevent symptoms from worsening.

Harsh gentleness 2024-05-20 11:32:00

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