How to deal with sudden diarrhea and bleeding

I'm here to hold you on the other side Ask questions on 2024-04-27 03:43:28
Recommended answer

In clinical practice, if there is diarrhea and blood in stool, the most urgent treatment is to find out the cause of the disease first, and then treat the original disease in time. 1. The main consideration of sudden diarrhea is acute enteritis, which may be caused by catching cold, eating wrong food or acute infection. 2. The most common causes of stool bleeding are hemorrhoids, polyps, tumors, or ulcerative colitis or ischemic bowel disease. For this part of patients, we need to do routine stool examination. If there are pus cells and white cells in the stool, it is considered that it is caused by infection, and we need to treat the infection. In addition, we need to do anal digital examination to determine whether the patient has hemorrhoids. If the diagnosis is still unclear, we recommend emergency colonoscopy. As long as the condition is stable, emergency colonoscopy is required to determine the cause of bleeding and diarrhea.

I'm here to hold you on the other side 2024-04-28 17:51:50

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