What's wrong with pregnant women's cold, fever, sleeping and sweating

How to be a man without going through vicissitudes Ask questions at 13:50:39, April 26, 2024
Recommended answer

Pregnant women have colds, fever and sweats during sleep, which may be caused by virus invasion, lack of trace elements, or kidney deficiency. 1、 Virus invasion. When women are pregnant, their immune function will be relatively poor, which will make the virus invade the human body and cause immune dysfunction, which will cause pregnant women to catch cold, fever, sleep and sweat. 2、 Lack of trace elements. During pregnancy, the trace elements and nutrients needed by the human body are different. In the absence of trace elements, the body's immunity will decline, which will easily occur. 3、 Kidney deficiency. When the resistance and immunity of the pregnant woman's body decline at the same time, the phenomenon of kidney deficiency may occur, and the above symptoms will be triggered. It is recommended that patients go to the hospital for diagnosis and further treatment.

How to be a man without going through vicissitudes 2024-04-28 17:55:44

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