What causes leukorrhea in bean curd dregs

You disappeared Ask questions at 23:17:22, May 24, 2024
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If a woman has leukorrhea like bean curd dregs, it is considered that she has candida infection, that is, she has fungal vaginitis, which is easy to lead to white bean curd dregs. At the same time, there are also symptoms such as vulva pruritus, burning, tingling, etc., which can be diagnosed through routine tests of leucorrhea. If diagnosed, it must be treated as soon as possible, and drugs can be used under the guidance of doctors. Two courses of medicine can be used in the acute phase, about 7 to 14 days. After the acute phase, one course of medicine can be used after each menstruation. It needs to be monitored for about 3 to 6 months. At the same time, three tests are negative, and it can be confirmed that the patient is cured. At ordinary times, we should also pay attention to the sanitation of the vulva, clean the vulva with clean water every day, and change our underwear frequently.

You disappeared 2024-05-27 11:19:44

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