What is the pain of the right pinkie joint

The way of not being confused Ask on 2024-06-02 15:26:32
Recommended answer

Pain in the little finger joint of the right hand may be caused by local aseptic inflammatory infection, or osteoarthritis or tenosynovitis. For example, if the patient is locally caught cold by the wind, or has external trauma impact, excessive activity, etc., it may cause pain in the little finger joint of the right hand. Patients can be treated by proper hot compress and massage. In addition, you can also cooperate with your doctor to take non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs to relieve pain. If the treatment effect is not good through this method and the symptoms are not relieved, you can also go to the hospital for inspection. In combination with the patient's medical history, determine what causes it, and then carry out targeted treatment.

The way of not being confused 2024-06-03 12:24:19

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