Effect of calcium carbonate d3 tablet

Ten years of military service, lonely heart Ask questions at 02:40:45, May 10, 2024
Recommended answer

Calcium carbonate d3 tablet is a kind of calcium supplement medicine. After the clinical symptoms of calcium deficiency appear, we can use calcium carbonate d3 tablet and other drugs under the guidance of doctors. It can not only alleviate the symptoms of calcium deficiency, but also prevent and treat osteoporosis and other diseases. At the same time, calcium carbonate d3 tablets can also be used to prevent rickets, osteomalacia or hypoparathyroidism and other problems. However, it should be noted that taking it immediately after meals has relatively good effect and absorption, which can reduce the irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Some patients may have mild adverse reactions after taking calcium carbonate d3 tablets, which is normal and need not be worried too much. If there is no problem of calcium deficiency, it is unnecessary to take drugs.

Ten years of military service, lonely heart 2024-05-13 11:09:33

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