What's wrong with urine protein 1

Light smoke and mist Ask questions at 15:31:13, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

A plus sign for urine protein indicates that there is a small amount of urine protein, which may be caused by kidney function damage or transient, such as excessive fatigue and insufficient rest. There is no abnormality in the body, and there is no clinical symptom. It can be left untreated. After a period of time, recheck to see if there is any improvement. When adverse reactions occur to the body, it is necessary to make comprehensive judgment and analysis according to the clinical symptoms, pay more attention to rest, and can be treated with drugs for nourishing the kidney and tonifying the kidney. The patient needs to further check other physical indicators to see if there are any abnormalities.

Light smoke and mist 2024-04-22 12:11:18

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