Is vulvitis easy to treat

Jungle red maple Ask questions at 05:57:33, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Vulvitis is relatively easy to treat, but it has a problem that it is easy to recur, because the general vulvitis is caused by many reasons, such as non-specific, trichomonal, fungal, and bacterial. According to the different causes, each attack is different. Generally, no matter what kind of vulvitis it is, its clinical manifestations are the same. Generally, they are the itching, pain and burning sensation of the vulva skin, mucous membrane, which will be aggravated during activities, sexual intercourse, urination and defecation. Generally, when we check the vulva, we can see congestion, swelling, erosion, and often scratches. In serious cases, ulcers and eczema can also be formed. If it is chronic, it will make the skin thicker and rougher, and even some will show a lichen like pimple. During treatment, we usually keep the local area clean and dry, and pay attention to eliminating the causes and symptomatic treatment.

Jungle red maple 2024-04-22 12:14:22

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