Can I use the newly bought sheets directly

Sunset Saturday Ask questions at 15:30:22 on June 6, 2024
Recommended answer

Generally speaking, the newly purchased sheets can be used directly, but the following steps are recommended:

1. Cleaning: Newly purchased sheets may have some chemical residues or dust, so it is recommended to clean them first. You can put the sheets into the washing machine, use mild detergent and softener, and select appropriate washing procedures for cleaning.

2. Drying: The washed sheets need to be dried in the air, and it is recommended to dry them in a well ventilated place. Avoid direct exposure to the sun, so as not to affect the quality of the sheets.

3. Ironing: If you like the sheets to look cleaner, you can iron them after drying. Select proper temperature and ironing method according to the material of the sheets.

In a word, although the newly bought sheets can be used directly, the above steps can better protect the quality of the sheets and your health.

Sunset Saturday 2024-06-11 11:41:46

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