Seven gynecological diseases may be hidden behind dysmenorrhea

Between water clouds Ask questions on 2024-06-23 05:28:14
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Women of normal childbearing age will come every month, but not everyone can pass this period smoothly. Some people with dysmenorrhea can be described as pain intolerable during this period. In addition to these symptoms, there are some hazards of dysmenorrhea that we do not know. Some people think that dysmenorrhoea is just pain, and it's OK to bear it in the past. This idea is not correct. I believe you will also think so after understanding the following content.

Hidden Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea 1: Chronic Pelvic Inflammation

Pain characteristics: pain covers a wide range

Before menstruation, there was severe pain in the lower abdomen, waist and back. After menstruation, the pain was relieved, and it often became worse when tired, after sex, during defecation, and around the month. When accompanied by low fever, fatigue, low spirits, general malaise, and insomnia, you should be alert to pelvic inflammation.

Dysmenorrhea 2: endometriosis

Pain characteristics: gradually aggravated, unbearable

The degree of dysmenorrhea will increase year by year or even in January. The pain is mostly in the lower abdomen and lumbosacral region, and can radiate to the tunnel, perineum, portal or thigh. It usually starts 1 to 2 days before the moon comes to tide, and the pain will be more severe on the first day of menstruation, and will not disappear until the moon is completely clean. A few people are accompanied by sexual pain, infertility and monthly maladjustment, and some others have blood or constipation.

Hidden Symptoms of Dysmenorrhea 3: Myoadenosis

Pain characteristics: progressive aggravation

Women aged 30 to 50 years with a history of childbearing should catch up with the possibility of eliminating adenomyosis when dysmenorrhea gradually worsens and becomes unbearable.

Dysmenorrhea mystery 4: child * myoma

Pain characteristics: tumescent lower abdomen, aching back

Myoma is a common problem for women. When pain is often accompanied by lower abdominal distension, back pain and other symptoms, and the monthly cycle is shortened, menstruation is increased, menstruation is prolonged, and irregular bleeding occurs, it is necessary to be alert to myoma.

Dysmenorrhea mystery 5: endometrial carcinoma

Pain characteristics: late radiation pain

In the late stage of endometrial carcinoma, radiation pain in abdomen and lower limbs may occur after the tumor infiltrates surrounding tissues or compresses nerves.

Hidden Menstrual Dysmenorrhea 6: Reproductive Tract Malformation

Pain characteristics: periodic pain, enlarged mass can be seen in the lower abdomen

Another situation is caused by congenital reasons. Genital tract malformations include hymen atresia, genital atresia, complete genital septum, fetal dysplasia, excessive prograde of fetal body, hymen atresia and other mechanical obstructions, which can cause dysmenorrhea.

Hidden Menorrhea 7: Other Types of Dysmenorrhea

Dysmenorrhea may be caused by adhesion of the internal mouth of the cervix or uterine cavity, or congenital stenosis of the cervical canal, submucosal myoma of the cervix, placement of a contraceptive ring, etc.

Knowing the harm of dysmenorrhea, we should actively face this matter, understand this problem, and actively solve it when dysmenorrhea occurs. It is better to invite experts to the hospital to analyze the situation, and then take corresponding measures to treat it.

Between water clouds 2024-06-24 11:16:00

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