How long does Xihuang Pill have effect

one 's mind settles as still water Ask questions at 09:34:26, May 9, 2024
Recommended answer

Xihuang Pill can generally have a certain clinical effect within one week after oral administration. If the patient still has no obvious effect after one week of oral administration, it is recommended to stop taking it and return to the doctor in time. The main ingredients of Xihuang Pill are cow bezoar, artificial musk, vinegar frankincense and vinegar myrrh, which have the effects of clearing heat, detoxifying, swelling and dissipating knots. It can be used to treat the related diseases caused by the accumulation of heat toxin, such as furuncles, tumors, carbuncles, sores and boils, which need to be used under the guidance of doctors. After taking the drug, the patient also needs to closely observe whether there are adverse reactions, such as gastrointestinal discomfort and allergy. If necessary, the patient needs to stop taking the drug in time and seek medical treatment as soon as possible. The patient should also pay attention to light diet during taking the drug.

one 's mind settles as still water 2024-05-13 11:09:30

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