Most men with high body hold heavy power

Water billow Ask questions at 19:44:14, June 22, 2024
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Where is the height of the body? Do most men hold heavy power? In the face theory, every man wants to be a leader, but not everyone can be. So, do you know what the characteristics of a leader are? What are the facial features of leaders? Let's have a look!

Men with high cheekbones are high and powerful

It is said that the cheekbones in facial expressions can best reflect a person's desire for power and career fortune. In physiognomy, there is also a saying that "women have high cheekbones, but killing a husband does not use a knife; men have high cheekbones, and the Jianghu is acting like heroes".

It can be seen that men cannot have cheekbones, or their own "rights" will be lost, while women cannot have too high cheekbones, because this is a typical Kefu look. What are the views on cheekbones in male facial analysis?

Full and thick cheekbones

In physiognomy, cheekbones are interpreted as "bones of power". Men with towering cheekbones are easy to become high-level people in charge of power in their work, so as to ensure continuous progress in their career and achieve their own great achievements.

In addition, such men value power, whether in work or in love. They need their subordinates and wives to obey their orders unconditionally, and can never go against their wishes.

That is to say, from the analysis of male faces, men with high cheekbones are relatively strong and conceited. Although it is easy to succeed, they may not have good interpersonal relationships, and they are also prone to encounter conflicts and setbacks in love. Only by controlling one's temper and nature and avoiding too much pressure on one's potential can one guarantee the happiness of love life.

The zygomatic bone is in the ear and the zygomatic handle is low

It is a typical collapsed cheekbone face. This male face lacks masculinity. It is easy to give up halfway in work without any enterprising and persistent attitude, and it is difficult to achieve success in career.

In addition, I always like to take advantage of opportunities, and I can neither bear hardships nor work with my feet on the ground. However, this kind of men is quite good in the aspect of love luck. They are easy to gain wealth by virtue of women, which is also known as "little white face".

The cheekbones are firm and the cheekbones are in the temples

This face reflects the tenacity and perseverance of male characters. Although it is difficult to get rich in youth, we can work hard all the time, and we can achieve something in middle age. In addition, men with this kind of face can easily get a wife with good fortune, so as to help them make continuous progress in their career.

Low depression of cheekbone

It is a typical powerless and powerless face, and it reflects that the male character is too feminine, not good at achieving through hard work, and likes calculation. It is a kind of villain face.

What kind of appearance can be an official and a leader

From the perspective of deep causal law, the reason why we can become officials in this world is that we have been able to abide by the precepts in previous lives, that is, we have been able to be strict with ourselves in previous generations, and we have been able to do what people have given us with due diligence and dedication. This is the reason why we become officials in this world. So we see that officials should have a sense of respect. We respect their deeds in previous lives and in this life. Analyze what kind of appearance can be an official and a leader.

1. To be an official, what is the official salary palace

In his face, there is a position in charge of his official career, which is the "official salary palace". The official salary palace is also our forehead. The official salary palace includes the hair line and forehead. The official salary palace is in charge of a person's official career. Therefore, if the position of the "official salary palace" is good, it indicates that the person's political career is stable and rising, which is very suitable for the development of being an official in politics.

2. Hair line shall be neat

The official salary palace includes career lines. The career lines are uneven, and the middle-aged fortune is ups and downs, so I am not an official for long. The appearance of neat hairline, long-term intention, interpersonal etiquette and direction of work.

3. An official's forehead doesn't have to be full

It is often said that the heaven is full of official food, and the underground pavilion is square and powerful. In fact, if they are the first generation leaders of entrepreneurship, they must have a full and square forehead. However, leaders appointed by order do not have to have a full forehead. Those with sunken or even narrow forehead can still serve as officials, such as Shinzo Abe, a Japanese devil.

4. Long nose or high bridge of nose

With a long nose and a careful consideration, he will not act recklessly and can be cautious in his words and deeds, so he can realize his goals and ideals step by step and become an official. Or a high nose is also one of the necessary conditions for being an official, because the face without a nose is absolutely impossible to be an official, and even being an official is incompetent.

5. The cheekbones should not collapse

The face with high cheekbones will not last long as an official, and only those with slightly flat cheekbones or clear law lines are the basis of the official face. However, those with collapsed cheekbones are hard to be officials in their whole life. They are soft but lack of courage. They are not bright and act behind their backs. In addition, those with collapsed cheekbones are also bitter, and women are lonely.

6. A country can literally become an official

The face with fleshless cheeks is not strong enough to work under pressure. It's easy that the grass on the wall has no endurance. But the Chinese character with full cheeks is the king's way to be an official. Such people value loyalty and loyalty. But it's not like seeing your face behind your ears. It's like turning your back on your bones. This is the face of repaying kindness with revenge.

Who else has leadership

(1) The line of destiny turns from Saturn to Mercury

The line of destiny begins at the top of the wrist. At first, it seems to extend towards Saturn Hill, but in the middle, it suddenly bends and stretches towards Mercury Hill. People with such palmistry are good at thinking, quick in reaction, witty and interesting. They have a broad vision and know how to work hard. They are rare business management talents, and even can become CEOs.

They have excellent observation power and strong ambition. They always go all out for their work. If they engage in academic research, they may become department heads or even presidents of universities and colleges. If they join in enterprises, they will soon be favored by superiors and put in important positions.

(2) Big thumb knuckles are thick

Be firm minded and never give up until you reach your goal. Very stubborn, but not affected by emotions, suitable for leadership.

(3) The forefinger is straight

Hate being ordered, have strong self-esteem, and hope to gain a leading position.

(4) The palm is thick and strong. Although it has fine lines, it does not appear messy

People with strong hands have strong endurance, hard work and drive. Although people with fine lines are neurotic, people with fine lines that are not messy can handle practical problems well. Especially those who have multiple vertical extension lines such as fate line or fame line are energetic and have strong fortune, so they are suitable to be leaders.

(5) The emotional line extends to Jupiter Hill

This kind of person has a strong sense of self and hopes to be in charge of everything at any time. Calm and able to control emotions, so it is suitable to be a leader.

The characteristics of a man who can be a leader

A person with a flat and shiny forehead

The middle part of the forehead is the career palace in the Twelve Palaces of Facial Appearance, which is above the seal hall, representing the success of the career. If a person's forehead is full, smooth and broad, it means that he or she has a successful career.

In particular, people with bright foreheads have strong leadership ability in their career. Both men and women are more enterprising, have strong desire for success, and have foresight. They rely on their professional strength and personal charm to win the trust of people around them, making many people willing to unite around him.

Powerful person with full forehead

The forehead is called the official salary palace, which is a main condition for being an official and a leader. The forehead is full and smooth, without wrinkles, bad moles, skewness, drooping hair, narrowness and dullness. The forehead is like covering the liver, flat and broad, and the frontal horn is broad.

The nose and bridge are straight and powerful

The nose represents leadership and is one of the main conditions for being an official. The bridge of the nose is flat and straight, without revealing bones, knots, sharp, protruding, transverse, longitudinal, dark spots, and evil stains. It is round and powerful.

The cheekbones are slightly shiny

The cheekbones represent the bones of power, the self-control and control of a person. The cheekbones are not pointed and protruding, not collapsed, not horizontal and vertical lines, not evil moles, not red, not drooping, not fighting with the eyes, and not flashing sideways.

The mountain root is slightly higher

Shangen is a road to official career, and the willpower and tenacity of the person in charge. The root of the mountain is not broken, not too low, not disordered lines, not evil stains, not scars.

Conclusion: Through the introduction above, do you know where the tall man holds the power? In life, many people want to be a leader. In fact, there are many elements of being a leader. If you meet the above conditions, then you can't be too proud. It is not easy to be a leader. We need to make continuous efforts to improve our practical ability to be a good leader.

Water billow 2024-06-24 11:20:38

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