What's wrong with plantar pain

sunshine Ask questions at 22:16:54 on May 31, 2024
Recommended answer

How does the sole ache return a responsibility? We say that the soleplate of the foot is divided into three parts: the lower part of the metatarsal head in front, the center of the foot in the middle, and the heel in the rear. Generally, the most common cause of plantar pain is pain in the middle of the foot. This is called plantar fasciitis and plantar ligament damage, mostly because of too much walking. In addition, too much load may lead to too much force on the foot, and sometimes it is because the soles of the shoes worn are too soft, and the soles have no hardness. During walking and movement, the plantar ligaments are excessively pulled. After pulling, the plantar ligaments are damaged, and plantar fasciitis causes pain in the soles of the feet. If it is the pain of the forefoot, we call it metatarsal pain. Excessive stepping on the soft tissue under the metatarsal head, excessive force or too hard sole will lead to local soft tissue damage, called metatarsal pain. The pain in the heel is often referred to as heel pain. It is also related to excessive stepping, local stimulation, too hard soles, and too much walking. Too much stimulation of soft tissue causes inflammation of soft tissue. These are the different parts of foot pain. They have different names and different causes.

sunshine 2024-06-03 12:38:27

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