What kind of medicine should women take for liver fire

I'm afraid of the heart Ask questions on 2024-05-23 18:26:13
Recommended answer

The symptoms of women with excessive liver fire include headache, dizziness, red face and red eyes, irritability, redness, dry eyes, eye swelling, eye astringency, blurred vision, increased eye secretions, dry mouth, bitter mouth, bad breath, tinnitus, hearing loss, gum bleeding, epistaxis, hematemesis, bloody urination, yellow urine, constipation, advanced or delayed menstruation, amenorrhea, hypomenorrhea, blood avalanche Premenstrual insomnia. The treatment of liver fire is mainly to clear the liver and purge the fire. The Chinese patent medicines that can be selected are: Danzhi Xiaoyao Powder, Longdan Xiegan Pill, Qinghe Pill, etc. The patients can not use drugs at will, but need to be treated by professional doctors based on syndrome differentiation. Women with strong liver fire should mainly eat light food, usually less angry, less anxious, and maintain a stable attitude.

I'm afraid of the heart 2024-05-27 11:19:01

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