What's wrong with the pain, redness and swelling of the corners of the eyes

Man must rely on himself Ask questions at 05:48:08, April 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Pain, redness and swelling at the corner of the eye are typical manifestations of bacterial infection. The eye is directly exposed to the body surface and is the opening part of various glands, so it is easy to be contaminated by bacteria in the external environment and become infected. Poor hygiene habits and unclean working and living environment are common causes of infection. Once bacteria invade the tissues of the eye corner, they will multiply and grow locally, causing tissue damage and inflammatory reaction, which is mainly manifested in pain and redness of the eye corner, accompanied by local skin temperature rise, and even accompanied by systemic symptoms such as body temperature rise, preauricular lymph node enlargement. Common diseases include acute blepharitis, skin furuncle at the corner of the eye, folliculitis, etc. Once there is a need for timely anti infection treatment, it is mainly through the eye application of antibiotic eye ointment and oral antibiotic treatment. In addition, dacryocystitis and other reasons can also cause pain, redness and swelling in the corner of the eye.

Man must rely on himself 2024-04-28 18:07:02

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