What is the cause of people's shaking hands

Waiting for another day Ask questions at 18:40:40, May 30, 2024
Recommended answer

There are many reasons for shaking hands. Many people feel tired because of hypoglycemia and hypotension. There are also some patients with shaking hands due to long-term alcoholism. There are also some patients with Parkinson's disease. The main symptom of Parkinson's disease is the involuntary tremor of the fingers. In serious cases, the involuntary shaking of the head and the involuntary tremor of the limbs will occur. It will be very difficult to start walking, but after starting, it will go faster and faster. In this case, a detailed examination should be carried out in a regular hospital, and targeted treatment should be carried out after the cause is identified. During this period, we must avoid anger and excessive mental stress, ensure an optimistic mood and mentality, eat less spicy food, avoid smoking and alcohol, and avoid cold and infection.

Waiting for another day 2024-06-03 12:26:24

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