How to do surgery for throat polyps

Everything goes hand in hand Ask questions on 2024-05-09 20:30:46
Recommended answer

The most commonly used surgical method for laryngopharyngeal polyps is the vocal cord polypectomy under the supporting laryngoscope. The vocal cord polyps can be removed under the supporting laryngoscope through the fiberscope. Moreover, the polyps are cut thoroughly, and it is not easy to damage the normal vocal cord tissue. Therefore, this method is the most commonly used and has the best effect. The second way is to do it under the fiber laryngoscope. The fiber laryngoscope needs a cavity that can be passed by the laryngeal forceps. The vocal cord polyp resection under the fiber laryngoscope needs the cooperation of the patient and should be completed under local anesthesia. The third way is to use indirect laryngoscope and laryngeal forceps to clamp out polyps, which also needs to be done under the surface anesthesia of the pharynx. When performing ecological polyp surgery, the deep muscle tissue should not be damaged, and the patient needs to rest for a few days after the surgery. The patient's voice recovery is good.

Everything goes hand in hand 2024-05-13 11:21:19

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