What is Qingkailing Dropping Pill

Moonlight brook Ask questions on 2024-05-25 00:02:52
Recommended answer

Qingkailing Dropping Pill is a kind of Chinese patent medicine commonly used in clinical practice. It is widely used in clinical practice and has ideal effect. It belongs to some symptoms caused by upper respiratory tract infection. Qingkailing Dropping Pill can be properly selected. First of all, we should understand that Qingkailing Dropping Pills are mainly used for fever, irritability, sore throat caused by exogenous wind heat, as well as some symptoms caused by upper respiratory tract infection, viral cold and acute pharyngitis. Qingkailing Dropping Pills can be properly selected. Qingkailing Dropping Pill has very good effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying and calming the nerves, so it can be taken orally or under the tongue in clinical practice, and the effect is very good. Generally, people who are prone to colds can know about Qingkailing Dropping Pills. However, when taking Qingkailing Dropping Pills, it is important to avoid smoking, alcohol, and spicy, cold, greasy food. At the same time, when taking this medicine, it is also important not to take other self reinforcing Chinese medicines. Qingkailing Dropping Pill is not suitable for colds, so when choosing Qingkailing, if you cannot know some relevant instructions in detail, you must consult a doctor or pharmacist, and those allergic to this product must not use it.

Moonlight brook 2024-05-27 10:33:11

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